HIV Engagement and Retention in Care

HIV/AIDS and Social Work Conference: ECHO Presentation on Dental Case Management

Author/sponsoring group:
Jane Fox, MPH
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Publication/Release Date:
The Dental Case Management Model was presented by Jane Fox at the 21st Annual National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS in New Orleans on May 21-24, 2009. The presentation illustrates the work of the sites under the Oral Health Special Projects of National Significance Initiative that have adopted a dental case management model to increase access to oral health care for persons living with HIV/AIDS.

Building Blocks to Peer Success: a toolkit for training HIV-positive peers to engage PLWHA in care

Author/sponsoring group:
PEER Center, PACT, People to People, Lotus, DUMC Partners in Caring
PEER Center
Publication/Release Date:
April 1, 2009
Purpose of this toolkit: to support the training of HIV-positive peers who work to engage and retain people living with HIV in health care.
Primary audiences: experienced trainers and training organizations who can use this toolkit to design, enhance or refine their own training of peers.
Additional uses: Peer supervisors or program directors can use this toolkit to plan a peer training program for newly hired peers or provide continuing education for existing peers.

HRSA Webcast: the Roles of Peers in HIV Care and Treatment

Author/sponsoring group:
PEER Center, PACT, Kansas City Free Health Clinic, Lotus, WORLD
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Publication/Release Date:

On April 15, 2009 the PEER Center and the Peer Education Training Sites presented a Webcast about the roles of peers in providing HIV Care and Treatment in cooperation with HRSA. A recording of the Webcast is available on the Target Center website at . (Click the “Recording” Button next to the April 15 listing “Role of Peers in HIV Care and Treatment.”)

Peers living with HIV/AIDS play an essential role in engaging HIV-positive individuals in care and treatment. This webcast is intended for anyone interested in learning about the roles of peers in providing HIV care and treatment. Peers working in clinics and community-based organizations will discuss their work and activities with clients and HIV providers. The webcast will include speakers from three peer programs:

ANAC presentation: Peer Education Training Sites, a resource for nurses working with HIV+ peers

Author/sponsoring group:
Sally Neville, Kansas City Free Health Clinic
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Publication/Release Date:
Sally Neville, Kansas City Free Health Clinic, made this presentation to the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Conference in Arizona in November 2008. It outlines the PEER Center project, the program models, the role of peers, preliminary results from peer trainings, and future program plans. The presentation focuses on resources which have been developed by this project that nurses may use as they develop, implement, manage or evaluate peer programs.

AEA Presentation: Examination of Peer Advocates in HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment

Author/sponsoring group:
Marcia Dutcher and Brenda Loscher Hudson, Kansas City Free Health Clinic
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Publication/Release Date:
Marcia Dutcher and Brenda Loscher Hudson presented preliminary evaluation findings from the PEER Center evaluation at the American Evaluation Association Conference in Denver, CO in November 2008. The presentation includes an outline of the program and discussion of metholodogies used to collect data.

Now That You Know: A Guide to Living with HIV

Author/sponsoring group:
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
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Publication/Release Date:
This booklet is intended for people who are newly diagnosed with HIV. It provides information on finding an HIV doctor, help with creating and sticking to a treatment plan, building a support network, and more.

Outreach and Retention of HIV patients in dental care

Author/sponsoring group:
Community Health Center in CT, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York, and AIDS Care Group in PA
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Publication/Release Date:
If you build it, will they come? If they come, will they stay? Outreach and Retention with SPNS Dental Patients: This presentation from the Ryan White All Grantees meeting in August 2008 shares the experiences of three Special Projects of National Sigificance (SPNS) who were attempting to engage and retain hard-to-reach HIV populations in dental care. This presentation includes strategies for getting and retaining patients in oral health care treatment and lessons learned. Presenters included staff from the Community Health Center in CT, St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York, and AIDS Care Group in PA.

Modules at a Glance – English version

Author/sponsoring group:
Kaleidoscope of Care
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Kaleidoscope of Care summary of training modules

Outreach Presentations

Author/sponsoring group:
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Publication/Release Date:
A partial listing of local and multi-site presentations from the SSPNS Outreach Initiative.

Outreach and access to HIV oral health care

Author/sponsoring group:
Carol Tobias, MMHS, Serena Rajabiun, MPH, Sharon M. Coleman, MS, MPH, Howard Cabral, PhD
  • (0.03 Mb doc)
Publication/Release Date:
Abstract from the 2007 APHA annual meeing