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Boston University School of Public Health

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Study of HIV Services Provided to Individuals with Disabilities

During the winter and spring of 2002 The HIV/AIDS Bureau at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health engaged the Health and Disability Working Group (HDWG) at the Boston University School of Public Health to conduct a review of HIV-related services available to individuals with disabilities in the Commonwealth. The purpose of this review was to identify existing HIV-related services and resources, to identify gaps in policies and services, and to develop recommendations to strengthen the continuum of care for people with disabilities. The specific areas of inquiry included HIV education and prevention services, HIV counseling and testing, HIV care and treatment, and the availability of disability-specific HIV educational materials. The disability populations included in this review included adults with serious mental illness, developmental disabilities or mental retardation, physical disabilities, blindness, visual impairments, and deafness or hearing impairments.

Executive Summary

HIV/AIDS and People with Disabilities in Massachusetts: A Needs and Resource Assessment (Final Report)

HIV-AIDS Resource List for People with Disabilities

HDWG staff involved in this project were Carol Tobias, M.M.H.S., Kate Brown, B.A. and Bethlyn Vergo Houlihan, MSW, MPH.