PEER Center
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People to People

People to People is a peer-to-peer education program that supports individuals living with HIV and AIDS. The program currently operates in the St. Louis and Kansas City metropolitan areas and will expand to outstate Missouri to mitigate the effects of persistently high HIV infection rates and AIDS cases and of the rapid progression from HIV infection to AIDS cases that mark these areas.;

People to People is intended to improve the health of those living with HIV/AIDS by providing trained, quality peers to the community and building local organizations’ capacity to use peers. The program targets HIV+ individuals who reflect the epidemic in each local area, particularly African-Americans. Training includes HIV transmission, disease progression, treatment adherence, and clinical preceptorships to address identified needs. Organizations will be given intensive training to help them design and implement peer programs and overcome institutional barriers; People to People will work with Ryan White funded entities and local AIDS Service and Community Based Organizations.

People to People, part of a national study, is a collaborative effort among the American Red Cross, Kansas City Free Health Clinic, and Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center-Missouri.

For more information, please contact:

Salim Phillips
TEL: 314.516.2888

Meet Sheila Jackson, a graduate of the People to People program