PEER Center

American Evaluation Association Conference

November 3 – 9, 2008
Denver, CO

At this conference, the PEER Center Evaluation Working Group will make a presentation entitled Examination of Peer Advocates in HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment

American Evaluation Association Conference website

Date/Time: Friday, Nov. 7, 9:15 – 10:45 a.m.

Location: Hyatt Regency Denver and the Denver Convention Center, Multipaper Session 531, Granite Room Section B

Duration: 90 minutes

Marcia Dutcher, Kansas City Free Health Clinic,
Brenda Loscher Hudson, Kansas City Free Health Clinic,

Abstract: The Peer Education Training Site (PETS) project is a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) multiyear-funded project to increase the number of trained HIV peer educators and the number of organizations with the capacity to utilize peers in their HIV service delivery. Three sites located in California, Missouri, and New York have developed peer and organization training programs tailored to the assets, needs, and preferences of their individual target populations. Training sessions have been offered since 2006.

A cross-site quantitative longitudinal design is used to measure research questions for peers and organizations while a qualitative longitudinal design is used to address research questions for clients of peer advocates. The paper will discuss the research methodologies to evaluate the emerging role of peer advocates in HIV/AIDS care and treatment and how the implementation of a multi-dimensional evaluation design utilized in non-profit health care settings impact evaluation practice and theory.