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HIV Peer Programs

Peer position sample job descriptions

Author/sponsoring group:
PEER Center

Sample peer job descriptions used by the WORLD and Kansas City Free Health Clinic programs for use in recruiting peers.


ANAC presentation: Peer Education Training Sites, a resource for nurses working with HIV+ peers

Author/sponsoring group:
Sally Neville, Kansas City Free Health Clinic
Sally Neville, Kansas City Free Health Clinic, made this presentation to the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Conference in Arizona in November 2008. It outlines the PEER Center project, the program models, the role of peers, preliminary results from peer trainings, and future program plans. The presentation focuses on resources which have been developed by this project that nurses may use as they develop, implement, manage or evaluate peer programs.

AEA Presentation: Examination of Peer Advocates in HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment

Author/sponsoring group:
Marcia Dutcher and Brenda Loscher Hudson, Kansas City Free Health Clinic
Marcia Dutcher and Brenda Loscher Hudson presented preliminary evaluation findings from the PEER Center evaluation at the American Evaluation Association Conference in Denver, CO in November 2008. The presentation includes an outline of the program and discussion of metholodogies used to collect data.

Now That You Know: A Guide to Living with HIV

Author/sponsoring group:
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
This booklet is intended for people who are newly diagnosed with HIV. It provides information on finding an HIV doctor, help with creating and sticking to a treatment plan, building a support network, and more.

Partner Organizations Follow up Survey

Author/sponsoring group:
PEER Center
An evalutaion tool utilized by Peer Education Training Sites (PETS) to assess partner program's funding sources, services, peer roles and responsibilities, peer program changes, and challenges faced.

Los Angeles County Commission on HIV: Standards of Care for Peer Support

Author/sponsoring group:
Los Angeles County Commission on HIV
The Los Angeles County Commission on HIV and Office of AIDS Program and Policy have developed this Standard of Care in order to set minimum quality expectations for service provision and to guarantee clients consistent care, regardless of where they receive services in the county.

Circle Solutions Organizations That Care: A Toolkit for Employing Consumers in Ryan White CARE Act Programs

Author/sponsoring group:
Circle Solutions, Inc.
This toolkit is a step-by-step guide to the best practices of organizations that have created workplaces that foster consumer engagement in all levels within the organization. These organizations have creatively used their resources to recruit, hire, supervise, support, and train consumer staff members. The sections of the toolkit are:
  • Section 1, Toolkit Fundamentals
  • Section 2, Organizational Readiness: Planning for Consumer Staff
  • Section 3, Recruiting and Hiring
  • Section 4, Compensation and Benefits
  • Section 5, Supervision and Support
  • Section 6, Professional Development.

Justice Resource Institute’s SuperVision Newsletter Summer 2008

Author/sponsoring group:
Justice Resource Institute

This newsletter explores topics related to supervision of staff. The Summer 2008 issue contains the following information:

The theme: Managing Up – Managing your boss and how to navigate differences in work styles among baby boomer, Generation X and Millenials.

Ask Laura: Two case studies where employees were able to negotiate with their managers to solve issues in the workplace


USCA Presentation: Peer Education Training Initiative

Author/sponsoring group:
The PEER Center
"Peer Education Training Initiative: Building the capacity of HIV peer educators as part of the health care team" was presented at the US Conference on AIDS 2008. The presentation outlines the initiative to train peer educators and work with people living with HIV to engage in their health care and improve their quality of care. It provides:
  • an overview about the HRSA-funded initiative
  • a demonstration of some of the training sessions the peer education center conducts with peer educators to help build their skills as part of the health care team
  • The experience of one peer educator in using the training and how she applies her knowledge and skills in her work and every day
  • A brief overview of the impact of the training

HRSACareAction: Service Delivery and HIV-Positive Peers

Author/sponsoring group:
This newsletter discusses the benefits, considerations and challenges of implementing an HIV Positive peer program.

Presentation: Integrating Peers into a Multidisciplinary HIV Primary Care Team (Cook County, IL Bureau of Health Services)

Author/sponsoring group:
Cook County, IL Bureau of Health Services
This presentation from the 2006 Ryan White uses the CORE Center Peer Program in Chicago, IL as a case study to outline how peers can contribute to the multidisciplinary health care team.

HRSA: Peer Advocates as Essential Members of Multidisciplinary Healthcare Teams

Author/sponsoring group:
This presentation focuses on the integration of peers into your health care team.

HRSA presentation: Peer Advocates as Essential Members of Multidisciplinary Healthcare Teams

Author/sponsoring group:
This presentation outlines things to consider when integrating peers into your organization.

Justice Resource Institute’s (JRI) SuperVision newsletter – quality supervision in the human services field, 2008 issues

Author/sponsoring group:
Center for Training and Professional Development, JRI Health

This newsletter explores topics related to supervision of staff. The 2008 issues contain the following information:

Winter 2008: The theme: Change
Managing the generation gap
Reflections on organizational change
10 tips to manage change successfully
5 phases of change
Ask Laura: How to build an employee's self esteem, how to communicate pending organizational changes when you don't know what's going to happen and rumors are flying


Justice Resource Institute’s (JRI) SuperVision newsletter – quality supervision in the HIV/AIDS Field, 2005 issues

Author/sponsoring group:
Laura Fizek

This newsletter explores issues related to supervision of staff. The 2005 issues contain the following information:

January 2005:
Hiring: Top 10 best hiring tips and questions to ask
Ask Laura: How to deal with an employee who is always late for meetings, what to do if a multi-departmental project seems to be higher on your list of priorities than that of another department's

April 2005:
Orientation: Top 10 things to consider
Ask Laura: What to do about an employee you "inherit" who is not performing as you expect, how to handle an outreach worker who seems to timid to do outreach work

June 2005:
Rewarding employees: Top 10 low-cost ways to celebrate staff
Ask Laura: What to do if most of the staff you work with is from another culture and you feel excluded. Be mindful not to neglect the needs of your longtime employees as you spend time orienting new employees.


Family Health International: Standards for Peer Education Programmes (Prevention)

Author/sponsoring group:
Family Health International

Youth Peer Education Toolkit: Standards for Peer Education Programmes includes a description of 52 recommended standards under five categories: planning, recruitment and retention, training and supervision, management and oversight, and M & E. This tool resulted from a collaboration between the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Family Health International. It was produced for the Youth Peer Education Network (Y-PEER), a project coordinated by UNFPA.


Horizons Project: Peer Education and HIV/AIDS (Prevention)

Author/sponsoring group:
Horizons, Population Council

Horizons Project, implemented by the Population Council in collaboration with ICRW, PATH, International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Tulane University, and the University of Alabama- Birmingham produced a report entitled Peer Education and HIV/AIDS – Past Experience, Future Directions

Excerpt from the introduction:

"This report presents findings from a project designed to identify components and principles that influence HIV/AIDS peer [prevention] education program quality and effectiveness, as well as gaps in and priorities for operation research. The project aimed to be a participatory and comprehensive analysis of the strengths and limitations of peer education, and included three phases: a needs assessment of peer education program managers, a literature review on the key topics identified by needs assessment participants, and an international consultation of 45 experts that was held April 18-21, 1999, in Kingston, Jamaica."


Atlanta EMA Quality Management Standards and Measures – Peer Counseling Services

Author/sponsoring group:
Peer Counseling and Outreach Task Force, Fulton County, GA
Details minimum standards of care, policies and procedures (general, peer staff, clients, and access to services) for peer services in the Atlanta Eligible Metropolitan Area (EMA).

AIDSCAP: How to Create an Effective Peer Program for AIDS Prevention Projects

Author/sponsoring group:
AIDSCAP Behavior Change Communication Unit

Excerpt from the introduction:

The "main objective [of this handbook] is to help field-level planners and implementors who:

  • Are planning a new peer education project, and
  • Want to strengthen or energize ongoing projects.

The information in this handbook is based on interviews with over 200 AIDSCAP subproject managers, peer educators and peer beneficiaries in ten countries. It presents advice from experienced HIV/AIDS BCC practitioners about:

  • Activities that are appropriate for peer educators
  • Recruitment and selection of peer educators
  • Community acceptance and support for peer educators
  • Training topics for peer educators
  • Supervision and support for peer educators
  • The role of educational materials and condoms in peer education projects."

Boston EMA C.A.R.E. Act Peer Support Standards of Care

Author/sponsoring group:
Boston Public Health Commission

The Boston Public Health Commission's guidelines for minimum standards for peer support, intended to help agencies meet the needs of needs of clients, approved June 8, 2000.

See also the BPHC Standards of Care for HIV/AIDS Services 2004, pages 57 and 58, regarding peer support services.
