PEER Center
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Evaluation Instruments

PEER Center Multisite Evaluation Protocol for Peer Education Training Centers

Author/sponsoring group:
PEER Center, Health and Disability Working Group, BU School of Public Health
The study protocol addresses the study design for the PETS Multi-Site evaluation. The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of peer educator training on enhancing peer knowledge, services and HIV health care and treatment; the impact of training and technical assistance on partner and “look-alike” organizations; and the impact of the peers on the clients with whom they interact.

PETS Peer Longitudinal Study Baseline and Follow up Questionnaires

Author/sponsoring group:
PEER Center
Under the HRSA-Minority AIDS Initiative, the PEER Center conducted a multisite evaluation of the three Peer Education Training Sites (PETS). Below are the PETS Peer Longitudinal Study Intake and Follow up Questionnaires, designed to examine the impact of the peer trainings on factors such as HIV knowledge, peer services, peers' job opportunities, HIV self-care and treatment. 10/30/2006

PETS Partner Organizations Assessment Survey – Baseline and Follow-up

Author/sponsoring group:
PEER Center
Under the HRSA-Minority AIDS Initiative, the PEER Center conducted a multisite evaluation of the three Peer Education Training Sites (PETS). Below are the PETS Partner Organizations Baseline and Follow Up Assessment Surveys. (April, 2006)