• National center funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB)
  • Located at the Boston University School of Public Health
  • Supports stakeholders at the federal, state and local levels in assuring adequate health insurance coverage and financing for children and youth with special health care needs and their families.

Who We Are


The State-at-a-Glance Chartbook on Coverage and Financing for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs would not have been possible without the many state Title V and Medicaid staff and family leaders who responded to surveys, participated in interviews, re­viewed working drafts and were otherwise generous with their knowledge and time. Their passion working on behalf of the children and families we all serve inspired us throughout this work. To them we extend our sincere thanks and appreciation.

The Catalyst Center team would also like to offer special thanks to the following:

  • Lynda Honberg of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau at the Health Resources and Services Administration for her enthusiasm, guidance and support;
  • Family Voices’ Nora Wells, who was instrumental in linking us with family reviewers; and our colleagues at Champions for Inclusive Communities who graciously allowed us to conduct initial surveys of Title V staff at their 2005 multi-state meetings.
  • Laurie Tellis of New England SERVE helped transform “a big pile” of data into a meaningful structure and form;
  • Leticia Manning, Erin Leone, Jamie Wyatt, Andrea Hobby and Kathryn Jantz provided invaluable research assistance.
  • AnneMary Wood-Mann of Sirango Design and Heather Bruntil of Bruntil Creative made the Chartbook both attractive and accessible.
  • A committee of reviewers, including Julie Beckett, Janis Connallon, Diana Denboba, Stephen Fitton, Patti Hackett, and Josie Thomas gave generously of their time and provided us with thoughtful feedback.
  • Finally, we also thank the Council for Affordable Health Insurance for permission to use a version of their table on state-mandated benefits, and the Kaiser Family Foundation for their permission to reprint the table on mental health parity as a mandated benefit.