The Catalyst Center provides two kinds of technical assistance programs:
in-depth technical assistance to selected state teams and short-term technical
assistance to diverse stakeholders.
We are unable to respond to requests by individuals for health care insurance
advocacy. However, we can provide information on state-based advocacy organizations
who can provide such assistance. Please contact us for a referral.
• Catalyst Consultation (short-term technical assistance)
• Catalyst Collaboration (intensive technical assistance)
The Catalyst Center has issued an RFR for intensive technical assistance
state teams on addressing coverage or financing problems. Two conference
calls will be conducted to explain Catalyst Collaboration and answer
questions on the application process to potential applicants.
To participate, call 877-864-2828 and use passcode 445386 on either:
Wednesday, March 8 at 2:00 PM EST OR Thursday, March 9 at 11:00 AM EST
Responses to the RFR will be due Friday, March 24th by close of business
For more details, click on the link below to go directly to the RFR.
RFR for Intensive Catalyst Collaboration
pdf here)
Current Activities
(summary of projects chosen coming soon!)